Special Services

Learning directly from the leading experts in TMJ and TMJ pain management, Dr. Lui has successfully treated many patients with daily headaches, migraines, jaw discomfort, etc.

Unlike most dentists where a night guard is given, often a specific-personalized  appliance based on the TMJ health and muscles is made to address the chief issues – to balance the jaw joints and muscles.  While typically the treatment may be up to a year, significant improvements will be felt as early as the first month.

Dr. Lui believes in addressing the root causes.  Most of today’s dental problems – crooked teeth, poor facial development, airways issues, sleep apnea, tmj, are not genetically inherited, but are developed based on functional and environmental issues.  Allergies causing nasal issues leading to mouth breathing,  soft food diets and others are the leading causes.  Recognizing and reversing such issues are monumental in a developing child.  Sometimes, waiting for all the adult teeth to come in may be too late and irreversible changes may be done, not just teeth but the overall health of the child.

If you feel your child is experiencing such issues, come and visit Dr. Lui for identifying these problems, and maximizing the positive outcomes.

Actual Cases treated by Dr. Lui

10 yo boy


            In order to address the root causes, habits related to the causes must be reduced or eliminated.  4 key factors integral to proper jaw development and teeth alignment are:

  1. Nasal breathing – the nose must work
  2. Lip seal
  3. Normal tongue function – abnormal habits such as tongue thrust and tongue tied must be addressed for proper function
  4. Postural – jaw and teeth position are highly related to the posture of the patient

Myofunctional therapy is a type of treatment that focuses on the muscles of the face, mouth, and neck. It is often used to correct issues related to improper muscle function, such as incorrect swallowing patterns, tongue thrust, and improper resting posture of the tongue and lips.

During myofunctional therapy, our therapist Amy,  will work with the individual to strengthen and retrain the muscles of the face and mouth. This may involve exercises to improve tongue posture, swallowing techniques, and breathing patterns.

Myofunctional therapy is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for issues such as speech disorders, orthodontic problems, and sleep apnea. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have undergone orthodontic treatment to help maintain the results and prevent relapse.


Myobrace is a type of pre-orthodontic treatment typically for ages 5-10 years old that aims to correct the underlying causes of crooked teeth, poor growth development. It involves using a series of removable oral appliances, or “myobraces,” that are worn for a few hours each day and overnight, along with set exercises for the child to follow.

Tongue Tied removal

Tongue-tie removal, also known as frenotomy or frenectomy, is a minor surgical procedure to release the frenulum, a small band of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. A tight or short frenulum can restrict the movement of the tongue, causing a condition known as tongue-tie or ankyloglossia.

Tongue-tie can cause difficulties with breastfeeding in infants, as well as speech and eating difficulties in older children and adults. The procedure involves cutting or releasing the frenulum to allow for improved movement of the tongue.  Dr. Lui uses a CO2 laser (a cold laser) to minimize bleeding and discomfort.

S.M.A.R.T. stands for “Simplified Minimal An invasive Regenerative Technique.” It is a minimally invasive bone grafting technique used in oral and maxillofacial surgery to regenerate bone in areas where it has been lost, such as after tooth extraction or due to periodontal disease. It can also be used in cases where implant is ‘failing’ where threads of the implant are no longer cover by bone. The S.M.A.R.T. technique achieves bone regeneration over exposed implant surfaces without the risk of recession and soft tissue defects.

The S.M.A.R.T. technique involves the use of specially designed instruments to prepare the bone graft site and deliver the bone graft material without the need for incisions or sutures. The procedure is performed through a small hole created in the gum tissue, minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues and reducing the risk of complications.

Actual Cases done by DR. Lui

A gum graft is sometimes needed for a dental implant procedure if there is insufficient gum tissue to cover the implant site. When a tooth is lost or extracted, the surrounding bone and gum tissue can shrink over time, leaving inadequate tissue to support the implant and create an aesthetically pleasing result.

A gum graft may also be recommended to:

  1. Improve the appearance of the gums: Gum recession can lead to an uneven gumline, which may affect the appearance of the dental implant.
  2. Increase tissue thickness: Thicker gum tissue can provide better support for teeth and dental implant and reduce the risk of complications.
  3. Enhance gum health: A gum graft can help protect the tooth and  implant and underlying bone from infection and damage.

In some cases, a gum graft may be performed before the dental implant procedure to ensure that there is enough healthy gum tissue to support the implant. In other cases, it may be done simultaneously with the implant placement or after the implant has integrated with the bone.

            Another type of gum graft or gum surgery commonly done is to treat gum recession. Treating gum recession depends on the severity of the recession and the underlying cause. Mild to moderate cases of gum recession can often be treated with non-surgical methods, while more severe cases may require surgical intervention. Here are some common surgical treatments for gum recession:

  • Gum graft surgery: In this procedure, tissue from another part of the mouth is grafted onto the receding gumline to cover the exposed root and restore the gumline to a healthier position.  Depending on the need, different types of surgeries can be done such as Connective Tissue graft or Free gingival graft, which differs in the type of tissue taken and how it is used on to the recession site.

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) can also be used in the treatment of gum recession to promote healing and enhance the outcome of gum grafting procedures.  Similarly, the PFR can be used instead of the traditional tissues harvested from different parts of the mouth.  When PRF is applied to the surgical site during a gum graft procedure, it can help stimulate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and accelerate the healing process.

The Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat gum recession. Unlike traditional gum grafting techniques that require the use of donor tissue and sutures, the PST involves making small holes in the gum tissue above the affected teeth and using special instruments to gently move the gum tissue down to cover the exposed roots.

            When it comes to full mouth reconstructions with Implants,  Dr. Lui uses a different approach than most.  Rather than using standard techniques where the outcome often looks ‘too good and too fake’,  Dr Lui will achieve realism with the latest equipment and technology, to make sure it looks ‘right’ for each patient.

Each case will be designed and overlooked by Dr. Lui.  Reference photos, Face scanners, photogrammetry and 3D prototyping will be some of the tools used.  We don’t want to just make it look ‘good’, we want to make it ‘real’.