Dental Implants

What is it?

Dental implants are another restorative dentistry option that can be used to rebuild or restore your teeth.

In general, anyone who is missing at least one tooth and is healthy enough to undergo routine dental treatment (such as tooth extraction) can probably undergo dental implant treatment. There are, however, some medical conditions that warrant special consideration before placing dental implants: Those with certain chronic diseases, heavy smokers, and those who abuse alcohol may not be good candidates for dental implants.

What are the benefits?

An implant is a titanium screw that’s inserted into the jawbone in order to create an artificial root. Crowns, bridges, and dentures can then be anchored to this root. While an implant may be a more aggressive treatment than a simple crown or bridge, it provides a strong dental structure that can lessen a patient’s susceptibility to gum disease and bone loss. For these reasons, dental implants are considered the gold standard when replacing of missing teeth.